1980: 96th Congress; Second Session
MUSKIE, EDMUND S. (a Senator from Maine
Balanced Budget, by, National Association of Counties, 5821
Inflation, Energy and Military Spending, by, 6116
Legislators, Advisors and the State of the Economy, by, 7679
Amendments offered by, to
Budget: guideline limiting Federal spending to GNP percentage (S. Res. 380), 6463, 6473
FTC: change procedures for adjudications and rule making (S. 1991), 2380, 2382
Olympic games: relocating or canceling summer events (H. Con. Res. 249), 839, 1067
Small Business and Small Business Investment Acts: conference report on S. 918, 690
Social security: preventive services, referral, and disabled children receiving SSI benefits (H.R.4612), 4569
Soviet Union: relocating or canceling summer Olympic games (H. Con. Res. 249), 839, 1067
Analysis: SBA Disaster Loan Program: James Buchanan (excerpt), 679
Analysis: SBA Disaster Loan Program: Richard Musgrave (excerpt), 679
Conferee on S. 1156, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Amendments, 4658
UN Conference on Law of the Sea, 3760
Articles and editorials
Boycott the Olympics (sundry), 1055, 1057
Laborer vs. Inflation, Tom Welch, 7684
Mr. Muskie's Opening Number, 10703
Bills and resolutions introduced by
Committee on Budget: additional expenditures (see S. Res. 358), 1710
Congressional budget: setting forth (see S. Con. Res. 86), 7840
Cystic Fibrosis Week: designate (see S.J. Res. 152), 5699
Olympic games: boycotting summer meeting in Moscow (see S. Res. 334), 77
Olympic games: relocation or cancellation of summer games (see S. Con. Res. 70), 855
Olympic games: tribute to U.S. athletes and officials (see Res. 377), 4002
Soviet Union: boycotting summer Olympic games (see S. Res. 334), 77
Soviet Union: relocation or cancellation of Olympic games (see S. Con. Res. 70) 855
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, Inc.: authorize (see S.J. Res: 119), 8991
Bills and resolutions relative to
Sec. of State: compensation and other emoluments (see S. 2637), 9607
Colloquy: Civil service annuities (Senate floor, 1976), 10529-10533
Accounting principles and standards, GAO, 680
Letter: Agricultural loan programs, by, 10322
Letter: Edicio de la Torre, by, 4022
Letter: Guam Power Authority and EPA, exchange with Delegate Won Pat, 2454
Letter: Moscow Olympic games, by, 7765
List: Public enterprise funds, 679
Motions offered by
GI Bill Amendments Act: to table Cranston amendment to S. 870, 472
Lubbers, William A,: cloture of debate on NLRB nomination, 8173, 8333, 8445, 8510
Small Business and Small Business Investment Acts: to concur in House amendment with an amendment, 697
Remarks by, on
Agriculture: alleviating effects of grain embargo against Soviet Union, 6647
Agriculture: farmer-held reserve program for corn and wheat (S. 2427), 6647
Airport and Airway Development Act: amend (S. 1648), 1776
Armed Forces: budget discipline, 1667, 1668
Armed Forces: cost of Armstrong amendment to H.R. 5168, 1667, 1668
Armed Forces: extension of provisions of law relative to personnel management (H.R. 5168), 1667-1669
Aviation Safety and Noise Abatement Act: conference report on H.R. 2440, 1789
Budget: guideline limiting Federal spending to GNP percentage (S. Res. 380), 6463, 6465, 6470-6474, 6481, 6482, 6486-6488, 6498, 6501, 6502, 6504,6505
Canada: detrimental effects of potato imports from, 6065
Committee on Budget: notice of hearing, 3793, 4619
Corn and wheat: farmer-held reserve programs (S. 2427),6647
Dickey-Lincoln School, Maine: hydroelectric power plant project, 2551
Disability insurance: waiting period for terminally ill, 1203-1205
Disability insurance: work incentives and improved accountability (H.R. 3236), 1203-1205, 1227, 1229
Disabled children: SSI benefits (H.R. 4612), 4569
FTC: change procedures for adjudications and rulemaking (S. 1991), 2053, 2362
FTC: congressional review of proposed rules, 2053
FTC: proceedings on children's advertising, 2362
GI Bill Amendments Act: enact (S. 870), 467-470, 666, 667
Guam Power Authority: application of Clean Air Act, 2453, 2454
Hydroelectric power: Dickey-Lincoln School (Maine) project, 2551
Inflation: choice among necessities, 7684
Maine: impact of potato imports from Canada, 6065
Olympic games: boycotting summer meeting in Moscow (S. Res. 334), 77
Olympic games: relocating or canceling summer events (H. Con. Res. 249), 1055, 1057, 1058
Petroleum: conference report on H.R. 3919 (excess profits tax), 6648-6651
Potatoes: diversion program, 6065
Potatoes: Maine farmers, 6065
Power resources: Dickey-Lincoln School (Maine) hydroelectric power plant project, 2551
Railroads: pricing rate flexibility and contract provisions (S. 1946), 7293
Railroads: reform economic regulation (S. 1946), 7293
Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission: unemployment insurance for U.S. employees, 4569
Sec. of State: responding to Senators' remarks on nomination, 10278
Small Business and Small Business Investment Acts: conference report on S. 918, 678-682, 686, 687, 697
Social security, preventive services, referral, and disabled children receiving SSI benefits (H.R. 4612), 4569
Soviet Union: boycotting summer Olympic games (S. Res. 334), 77
Soviet Union: relocating or canceling summer Olympic games (H. Con. Res. 249), 1055, 1057, 1058
Taxation: conference report on H.R. 3919 (oil excess profits), 6648-6651
Terminally ill: disability insurance benefits, 1203-1205
U.S. insular areas: application of Clean Air Act, 2453, 2454
U.S. insular areas: appropriations (H.R. 3756), 2453, 2454
Remarks in House relative to
Sec. of State: effective date of financial compensations (S. 2637), 9694
Sec. of State: nomination, 9466, 9528, 9694, 9917, 10151
Remarks in Senate relative to
Balanced budget analysis, 5821
Sec. of State: compensation and other emoluments (S. 2637), 9594-9597
Sec. of State: nomination, 9239-9244, 9386, 9430, 9617, 9632, 10267, 10271-10279, 10341, 10647, 10886
Swearing in ceremony, 10584
Vienna meeting with Andrei Gromyko, 11433
Report: Committee on Budget, 46, 478, 1105, 1701, 3468, 5181, 6527
Report: Expenditure of Foreign Currencies, 6082
Report: Social Security Disability Insurance Program, Committee on Finance (excerpt), 1228
Senate seat, 10715
Dickey-Lincoln School Project, by, 1875-1877
Oil Excess Profits Tax, by, 6284
Sec. of State Nomination, by, 10272
Summer Olympic Games, Senator Bradley, 1057
Table: Airport funding, 1776
Table: Armed Forces pay and budget limits, 1667, 1668
Table: Budget limitation (selected data), 6474
Table: Outlays in President's budget, 6470
Table: Roth outlay savings, 6489
Table: Veterans Committee crosswalk for entitlements funded in annual appropriations acts, 468